Monday, September 15, 2008

PR tactics

This Sunday we attended a concert and dinner at Ash's school. A charity concert by the Campus Crusade for Christ organised by a CSI church in the city for funds to construct a school/classrooms (I forget which) in Andhra Pradesh.
That is the kids' paediatrician speaking at the function. It was he who made us buy tickets to the show. Part of our public relations effort - helps togain an early entry into the doctor's room when you dont have an appointment or need to show a report.
Ash alone accompanied us as Mia had fever.


ush said...

hi, hope M is better.
see a lot of kerala saree,appachens/ammachi's around
take care ust

Ladybird said...

Yeah, all those appachans and ammachis form a choir group which they claim is the one of its kind in india. The youngest member is 60! They sang well.

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