Thursday, September 11, 2008

Gender talk

"Achin is a bad girl, Vaava is a good boy," claims my daughter not knowing the difference between the genders or what the English words actually mean. She vaguely knows that bad means bad and good means good.

Or she lifts her empty cup after having milk and declares: "I am a Complan boy!" How ads influence children.

At least Ash understands that there are some things that he shouldnt use - like the bindi on the forehead or a gold chain - not because he associates them with girls but because he associates them with Vaava, who looks different from him.

p.s. Not in a mood to write anything today actually...

1 comment:

the other romila said...

hee hee....reminds me of sis and me at 5 and 6 when we called ourselves, mrs. romila and mrs. madhu like our moms. ;-)

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