Friday, June 06, 2008

Damp queries

On reaching home yesterday, I go up to dump the fish bones in my lunchbox in the garbage bin before leaving it in the kitchen sink for washing. I notice leftovers from the morning's puttu already dumped in it. Almost one kutti of puttu thrown away.

Why? I ask the maid.

Vaava spat into it while I was feeding her. I kept telling her dont spit, dont spit but she spat. The maid tells me.

But how could she spit, I ask her.

She spat when I went away to get some water for her. She says.

I look at the puttu once again and check its texture. Sometimes I can be worse than Sherlock Holmes.

I realise that it is just puttu powder wettened before cooking.

Were u feeding her uncooked puttu? I persist.

No, actually I was making it for Vaava in the evening. I had made her sit on the kitchen platform and she spat into the damp dough. The maid changes her tale.

I dont know why she threw it away. It continues to bother me. I hate wasting food that is not spoilt.

But what does she care? It is someone else's money and toil.


Anonymous said...

hi, wonder if they thow away at their home too?
people never sad.. i hate wasting food..
but if its spoiled its different story.
take care

Anonymous said...

Outing myself here as a reader of your blog, I've been enjoying it for months but just posting for the first time now :)

Anyways, it's funny how children's spit never bothers their mothers, don't you think? My babies can hand me tidbits of food with spit wet fingers and because I love them, I look past the spit and eat it with joy. We kiss their slobbery wet lips when they're babies. Thier spit is our spit, and extension of ourselves, and to us, harmless. Maybe it is because your daughter is not her daughter, would it not maybe gross you out, if someone else other than your daughter spit in your food? She may have sincerely thought she was doing the right thing, not realizing that spit within family does not ruin food. Just my thoughts.

Ladybird said...

Hi, there! I usually tell the maid to leave the kids' leftovers for me or my hubby to eat, except when she has been using her hands (we Indians use our right hand for eating instead of a spoon though I tell the maid to feed rice using a spoon) to feed the kids. I then tell her to finish if off - except when the kids have spat into it. It is only Mira who spits back into the plate if she is full.
I generally eat her spat food too tho I dont expect anyone else to do it. But sometime back when Mira contracted mumps I realised it could be dangerous.
I should have told her to make the spat puttu powder for me instead of throwing it. I would have if I were around when she did that.

UST: Yeah, they wont have the luxury of such bf items in their homes, leave alone throw it. Most of the poor in Kerala have pazhinkanji (the previous night's rice soaked in water so that it doesnt go bad in the absence of a fridge) for bf.
But when they work for somebody, they act too smart. She makes tea for the 3 of us, then in her cup she adds some extra milk. Howzzat?

Amos said...

I have been seeing some real bad emails oflate depicting how the world is going through drought and hunger..... it pains to know when some one just throws food... Let the maid too realise the situation the world is undergoing now..... it is very bad.....

Anonymous said...

IF you tell them not to waste food or water, they will brand you as stingy... But I keep telling her not to waste or to leave it for me to finish.
The average Malayali living in Kerala has a know-all attitude and it is difficult to make them understand that there is a whole big world that is not INFERIOR to their little Keralam. :)

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