Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The jugglers

Vijaya tells me that she admires us for being able to juggle Ash's various hospital appointments and our individual jobs (which luckily for both of us allows a lot of flexibility, not to mention understanding bosses). Yesterday morning I took Ash to the opthalmologist about a stye in his eye before meetingVijaya for the speech therapy. Since his session started 15 minutes late, it turned upside down my plans of reaching office before a certain respected time. To make matters worse, Ash kicked up a tantrum for getting him a Nestle UltraPerk instead of a Cadburys Gems from the hospital lobby shop and howled all the way home.

The lobby shop is an unavoidable nuisance for all parents coming in with their wards. As I rush in dragging Ash to meet the appointment deadline, he tells me: "Amma, I dont want juice. I dont want chocolate." He only wants to stop a while to see the fish in the aquarium. But the moment he steps out of the Audiology dept after his class, he tells me: "I want Munch/ I want Gems". He knows I have the time then to buy him a chocolate.

Late in the evening, V takes Ash to his peadiatrician for a 2nd opinion on the oral steroid Depotex that the allergist has prescribed again and also about the immunisation shots for allergy. The paed says the allergy report is bullshit - since it is means that Ash cant eat anything that Indians survive on - and that it would mean that Ash would have to live on water alone. Ash has tested positive to wheat, rice, milk, fish, chicken, gluten, shrimp and dust allergents. He directs them to the SMF dermatologist, who changes his lotions and ointments - Cetaphil cleansing lotion, a non-soap lotion for his bath, and Sarna, an emollient for itchy skins.

Two hours go in that, so V returns to work and reaches home at 10 p.m. That is Indian Working Time. Most people in the private sector have 10-12 hour jobs. I am glad I am working or else I'd have gone mad Waiting for Hubby at the doorstep. Godot would be put to shame by the IT-corporate guys of India today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi, present day all of us have to be jugglers.. u r doing quite a bit of juggling..good luck..
u DR. ped ..any attitude..? whats he saying the tests wrong..?
or he has a prob with the people who made u guys go for those tests..?
stick to veg/fruits... no choco/icecreams..
he knows.. so good luck in making him understand only once a mth or something..
no easy jobs..

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