Friday, April 04, 2008

The montessori attraction

When I met a junior of mine from college on New Year's Day, he told me his son and daughter were studying in Lady Andal and Patasala respectively. Which was a surprise for me, since Lady Andal on Harrington Road was quite far from his residence and secondly, he didnt belong to the "rich, snob" crowd who could afford to send their kids to LA. And here I had decided not to try for admission for my kids at the said school for the same reason, though a couple of opinions I got from colleagues was well in favour of the school. I didnt want my kids asking me to take them to Switzerland on vacation or asking us to change our car for a high-end model! But Vinu my junior told me that the snob kids formed their own groups and our kids knew better than to mingle with them or know their limits. He also told me that the 'patasala montessori' I had once gone to for Ash's sake was a v. good school. Which made me decide then that I will try to get Mira admitted there for a year at least, before she joins a mainstream school.

So today afternoon we went with Mira to the school near the Mahalingapuram Ayyappa temple. We had to wait quite long as the couple who went in before us took a long time talking to the lady-in-charge, Shobana. We had been trying to drill into Mira's head that her name was Miriam, not Vaava or Kripa. But she kept mum when the lady asked her her name. The first thing she wanted to know was whether Mira was fully toilet-trained as they didnt want kids who soiled the bamboo mats they sat on. We said yes.

She also told us that they take in only 70 students a year in the 2.5 to the 6 year age group, while they had another school for kids upto age 11 near the GG hospital in Nungambakkam. That if students didnt turn up before 9 am, they would have to go back home! Classes are from 9-12 for the junior kids and upto 2 pm for the more older ones. There is a private van operator to some areas.

The fee structure was the best part. There is an admission fee of Rs.6500, a term fee of Rs.5000 (there are 3 terms), an equipment fee of Rs.2000 and some other fee of Rs. 2000. We collected the application form and prospectus for Rs. 100 and came off. I am having second thoughts...


Anonymous said...

15,000 hmm.. and how much is everyone earning now a days 1,lac a yr minimum..?(2 incomes..?)
take care..good luck deciding.

Ladybird said...

People in IT companies earn almost or over a lac a month. But I think the avg income wld be around 10-20 thou in other fields.

Amos said...

Having a name as Padasala does not match with the fees..... School is a big business in Dubai and the very average school charges about 7500 rs per month as fees, not to mention the initial admission fees books etc which comes to another 10000 rs. And the education they provide is sub standard to our Indian standard. If the student is average they do not take care of the child and it is the parents resposnibility to make sure that the student improves. And you are supposed to give the school an undertaking that YOU the parent will take care of the student.................I think India is much better in that way..........AM

Anonymous said...

Teachers expect the best of students these days... They dont have the time or patience for average kids or kids who might need help.

Lijy said...


check my blog... there is something for you.

hope Mira gets the addmission. All the best.

dreamrunner said...

wow. that is expensive. montesorri schools are great though. a couple of our friends here have their kids in montesorri schools and it appears to have done wonders to their confidence and awareness.

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