Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Verbal gems

As a toddler, Mira is turning out to be extremely moody and bad-tempered at times - she probably inherited that from me!

Wake her up in the morning and she says: Vaava vayyaa = Vaava can't (get up). That is her favorite phrase when we ask her to do something - not always but at times. I guess she has a right to be disobedient.

If you persist with ennichu vaa (get up), she says: Ennichu vaa venda (get up not needed).

If you lift her off the bed forcibly and plonk her on the diwan in the parlour, she runs back to her bed shaking her little butt.

If she disapproves of my behaviour she rules, either growling or sobbing: Amma Appacha ninno (Amma go stay with granpa). I tell her I will only be too happy to do that!


Anonymous said...

hi, cute.. i don't blame them.. i would also rather sleep..
see ,if they sleep by 8-9..
afternoon nap also helps them wake up .. on time.
take care ust

Anonymous said...

That's daughter now will throw down whatever she's holding, and shout "NO!" or make a loud "AAAARGH!" sound. It's all I can do not to laugh.

Romila said...

Hey there! my 2 year ol' Bembi is also becoming v temperamental these days. And also very persistent of what she wants to do. Aggresive almost. I am losing my cool too, these days. Guess, kids pick up a lot of things as they reach 2.

Lijy said...

I think, I get the prize here. Jason ( 11 months and 2 weeks old) screams and screams on top of his lungs, when i take the mobile from his hands. He loves the mobile more than anything else.
I planning to get a mobile shaped cake for his bday... :)

the other romila said...

hey man!!
Its been great coming back and reading all your posts!!
V's parenting skills seem up to a scratch and glad to hear of the new babycare centre. Hope the SOS lands you a good nanny~!

Ladybird said...

hi, thanks everybody for the observations.

Anonymous said...

hi, happy birthday God bless u with many more wonderful memories and good health,happiness.
wishing u good luck..
take care

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