Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Crisis again!

The maid is going home today evening as there is an emergency at her place. Her husband needs an operation for a bowel-related problem. Secondly, her property and house in a god- forsaken region of Kerala is being sold and she needs to be there. The fact that she might not be able to come until they find an alternative settlement and if her husband needs her continued care makes things a bit worrisome on our babycare scene.
IF things are manageable she says she will come in a week's time or else try to send a substitute. I hope either works. But nothing like her when it comes to looking after the kids and cooking us wholesome meals. And she never takes offence when we tell how she should go about things/ how tidy we want things to be etc. Most Malloo maids think that they know best about everything and doesnt take advice kindly.
Things are just going to go haywire from tomorrow, and I have guests till Sunday night. I am counting on the kids' paternal grandparents to look after them today and tomorrow. Saturday V is there and Sunday me too. And next week, I plan to take a few days' leave as there is a lull in the work scene then. What I will do after, if I dont find a nanny soon enough, I do not know.


Joyismygoal said...

My wreath is a Fall decoration just to have up till thanksgiving in November.
I do not need an answer to this (because it is not my business)and i know its not what you want but just to think about a solution-- If one of you stayed home or went to work P/T could you guys make it? Could one of you base at home? Your children will only be small for a short time and when does reg school hours start for both? 2-3 years? Just something to think about???

Ladybird said...

Oh! you are up so late in the night?
Well, both of us are salaried professionals and our companies take care of a lot many things for us such as medi./tel/periodicals reimbursements and it will be difficult to forgo all that when u walk a tight rope - what with a house mortgage/car loan and umpteen other lil consumer durables loans that are easy to avail for salaried people.
i have been toying with the idea of quitting for quite some time - i mean taking a break till the kids are 5 yrs or so and have full-day school etc. (But that will mean another 2-3 yrs). My hubby or our parents wont hear of it knowing that i have a relatively easy and well-paid job and coz things wld be tough on a single income.
There are people working from home these days (i mean other than businessmen/insurance agents etc.) esp with all this outsourced jobs from US/UK - medical transcription, e-learning etc but I dont feel confident abt changing fields. Nor will freelance writing bring me a regular income.
SO maids seem to be our best option since we dont wont to send teh kids to their grandparents for a yr or 2. WE have done that but it has been difficult for all of us.
Thanks for your concern :)

Romila said...

Hi Ladybird,

Share your concern. I know how hard it is to cope all our emi's (house, car, etc,etc)on a single income. Been there in trying to bring up my daughter. Did freelance writing during that time n it didn't quite compensate with a regular income.

All d best.

Ladybird said...

Partime jobs are not common here and they wont pay either. Anyway since I kind of work from 12 to 6/7ish most days, it is as good as PT.
Kids here start school at 3 but a few States have raised it to 4 yrs. Many school in the city insist on 3 and half, hence we cldnt put Ash in school as he was only 3 and qtr when the academic yr started in june. Anyway he wasnt speaking well, so we didnt want to put him in a big reg. school this yr. He is however doing lower kindergarten in a small setup next door, but I wil have to enrol him in LKG again next yr as big schools in the city generally dont take midway - they have housefull always!

Anonymous said...

good luck!life has its problems.. a way will come.. get your part time to come in till then.

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