Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Mad about a spoon lost

I am the poorer by a spoon today. Ash threw it down the balcony (and the balcony faces the road, so finders keepers...) after having curd in a disposable cup - thank god it was a disposable one or else that would have been lost too.

This is not the first time I am losing something - with two crazy kids and an endless procession of maids with an I-dont-care attitude, half the knick-knack in this house are on the missing or lost list. A quarter of the things are broken and the remaining waits to be broken/dismantled.
Well, the fact is that I hate losing my cutlery and I am especially sentimental about my spoons. It will take me a day to get over the loss.
I am babysitting today and tomorrow since there is a lull on the work scene this week.
From a typical day

FLASH: Just as I am about to post this, Mira retrieves the missing spoon from the dressing table drawer and I am as happy as the shepherd who found the lost sheep in the biblical parable. (Wasn't there another more apt parable but I cant seem to remember it exactly - about searching for something under the bed??)

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