Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Childproofing your home

I am worried! We are not able to heed the warning on medicine bottles: Keep out of reach of children. (Once upon a time I wondered why it had to be mentioned on every strip of tablets/bottle of syrup. Well, I also wondered why all buses in Kerala had this warning: No smoking & Dont put your hand and head outside.)
Yesterday morning I saw the maid running after Ash in breakneck speed to the spare bedroom. From her cries I understood that he had snatched her tablet, put it in his mouth and ran away to the bedroom. I quickly joined in the frantic effort to retrieve the yellow tablet which was beginning to melt in his mouth. Going by his temperament we couldnt be sure if he'd spit it or swallow it. Anyway, he decided to obey and I quickly washed his mouth and tongue.
The maid assured me it was a tablet to relieve indigestion. But what if it had been one of her prescription drugs - she has a liver disease and takes some strong drugs, including sedatives. And Ash is fond of taking medicines, even bitter ones.
It now has V and our parents worried too. The maid takes it a bit too casually. We now wonder if Mira's only episode of a life-threatening fit was caused by tasting one of the maid's tablets - she used to give the medicine box to Mira to play with.
Anyway, the maid is leaving this Sunday but our new maid is yet to materialise. The search is on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

kids are always attracted to tablets. however up u keep they tend to take it from u'r hand, or while u take to eat... noel likes to take it and put in my mouth if he sees me taking them... and depending on his mood, he may decide to pop it in his mouth also!
i take my meds early.. still if he wakes up it's a fight! my meds are only vitamins/calcium - still worries one to death!
don't worry too much.

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