Friday, April 20, 2007

Blog nauseum

My blog fishing today caught two of Blogger's blogs of note - Raising Yousuf and Notes from Inside My Head. I am oversatiated devouring blogs in the effort to sight a few more good ones - I think I will soon be sick of the sight of blogs. I do things to the point of nausea and Ash has inherited it from me, V says. He starts eating an orange and soon he gets so interested in it that he wont rest until he finishes the entire lot in the fridge. Ditto about his recreational activities.
Speaking of oranges, I must add that we are not able to control Ash's food habits. Citric fruits, seafood, and eggs are taboo for him while wheat products, milk and sugar have to be taken in limited doses. The problem is that Ash suffers from infantile eczema and any taboo food aggravates his allergy (itching).
Ash's condition has got pretty bad of late, especially at night. The poor boy doesnt complain but nowadays tells us where to apply the ointment/lotion/cream - Oilatum, Eumosone, Atogla etc etc. He bathes in a basin of water that has a few drops of emollient instead of a soap.
The rashes began two months after his birth and the dermatologist, who diagnosed it as atopic/seborrhic dermatitis, said it would disappear by the time Ash turned 3 years old. IT hasnt. I am told the symptoms lessen with age, I hope it does. Two of our friends' kids also suffer from it, and I am told it afflicts boys more than girls.
I ask the doctor what causes it and he says, Nobody knows. I guess it is a legacy of our new lifestyles, environmental pollutions and some such... Dry skin and some skin ailments run in my side of the family but then nothing so acute. The older generation is just not able to understand it and says it is the treatment that I took - all the extra-precautionary medicines and injections and scans durin the ante-natal checkup at MMM - that has caused it. I keep quiet because I have no better explanation to give.


Anonymous said...

Hi, Eczema they say comes if someone in the family has it.. yes watch food .. citrus fruits, tomatoes,seafood,eggs, milk,cinnamon,candles with smells, nuts,soya,wheat products,(cakes,pancakes,cookies,biscuits, sweets-horlicks-contain wheat)cocoa products..aggravates itching watch for oil like sesame,peanut.. ..
avoid store stuff..esp when u don't know whats in it.. check out channa dal,they also cause allergic the extend of wheezing problems,breathing difficulty/death too..
For each child- can only watch and see how the child reacts to everything.. only the parents who handle them will know... some have allergy for all the above said things, some only for egg or milk or nuts..
according to my personal experience all of the above has reaction for my kid.. her itching is more if she has anything with the above products.channa/peanuts high reaction even a tiny amt.choking,tongue swelling,breathing problem,throwing up,hives,redness,itching..are some severe reactions..
another thing all have to watch is bath..!our Dr said avoid oil.. while recently a friend told me her childs Dr told her to put oil on the body and massage before bath.. so best is your personal watching and doing things..!
then there are another things like no soaking in water.. no hot water..these r things one has to watch..avoid soaps with rubbing dry- put cream while skin still wet.
there is another cause they say the present kids have eczema.. the vaccines.. no all kids have(not just boys) esp if parents has kid got alergy more 2-3 yrs old.. had eczema few mths after birth..noticed food later.. she used to eat peanuts etc when she knew how to chew!now big NO!NO!
some have pollen allergy too!
best watch them figure out what they are diet, see if giving bath everyday helps,, with soap/no soap helps? etc..just personal experience can teach us.
once our Dr told us how flaxseed oil/fishoil can cure ecemza .. I asked him how she can have fish oil while allergic to fish! oh.. don't give he said.. some patient had tried and told him it worked on their child.
some one said to put malli(corriander) leaves grind it and put..worked!
its up to each person to do what they thing is best.
take care good luck.

Anonymous said...

Hi, it has been 2 years since you posted this blog. Did you find a solution? Did you try any other type of treatment?
My daughter has the same problems.
"Atopic Dermatitis" they say.
After 3 years of experimenting, we could decide on only a few things which work for her. Long 15 minute bath, twice a day with an emolluent in water, pat dry with towel and apply cream immediately. Of course, to reduce itching I use Atrax drops.
Food-wise I have not been able to figure out anything that would cause a problem.

Ladybird said...

Dear SS: I am still waiting for the light at the end of the tunnel. My son seems to have reached a point of no return in the past one year. Since Dec, we have been doing ayurveda treatment and I am told it would be cured in 2 years. Or maybe earlier. I am keeping up hope.
I guess if we had been more careful about his diet he wouldnt have come to this pass. Right now, most foods dont seem to agree with his system but we cant starve him, right? If u think some foods really make things worse after 2 episodes, try to avoid it in her diet. All the best.

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