Friday, March 02, 2007

Sari shopping

One positive thing I can say about Kerala is the shopping experience, in sari showrooms especially. The salesmen are so enthu that you end up buying even if you dont want to. They spread the saris one over the other on the huge mattresses that separates the customer and the textiles, making it easy for you to choose. Choosing a sari is a pleasure and he even drapes it over himself to help you get an idea how it will look on a human torso.
Unfortunately, Chennai sari showrooms offer no such luxury. The customer has to stand while she searches for The Sari, the salesmen frowns if you make him open too many saris and unless you tell him which stuff or region's sari you want he is no mood to entertain you. It is like going to a govt office to get a copy of some land documents. So unless you are really keen on buying a sari and have an idea of what you are searching for and your budget, it is best to avoid numerous Chennai's showrooms though they have thousands of saris to choose from.
We made one such elusive sari search in a Chennai sari showroom today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i have had experience of people drapping saree and showing off.. putting everything in front open/also had stools.. but it depends on when u go where u go .. they judge u, if u are going to buy 1/-10 and more and depending on that treatments increase..
mds the shops always full that.. the workers never bother..
u either go directly to billing and tell them what u looking for ..then treatment better too!when their immediate boss tells them.. things change.. u don't like go to them say u looking for this kind..!they direct u..
.. got all this tips shopping with richer 2 people..!neighbours who buy in bulk!
good luck with shopping its hard to choose sari..go to small showrooms costly but beautiful..ones and all those treatments!
take care ust

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