Friday, March 23, 2007


Took a day's leave as my s-i-l and family were here for a day. They came on Wednesday night and left yesterday evening. They were off to Townsville in Queensland, Australia where her hubby has landed a new job. I have earmarked Townsville as one of the places I must visit in the near future ... it is a long and expensive journey but maybe we could leave the kids with my parents and go.
With an efficient maid around, playing the ideal host is not a nerve-wracking exercise as far as the food is concerned. The menu included chapaati-chicken curry (dinner), idli-sambar (breakfast), rice and assorted side dishes including tuna cutlets and seer fish curry (lunch) and bread and pearlspot fish curry (an early dinner).
The kids had a pretty good time with sil's sons, though Ash simply doesnt get along with her younger one who is 3 yrs older to him (the last time round, he had bit his bum!). He is very fond of the older cousin though.
Visiting a club
After they left, we ventured out as we had to collect a parcel from a person staying in the Gymkhana Club premises. I waited at the Club lounge, my first entry into a real elite club. The building is pretty ancient and classy, having been a gift from the Rajah of Venkatgiri in 1886. The lights and furniture have an old world charm about them.
In one section of the huge hall(to the left, in the pic), old men and women sat playing cards and drinking while waiters refilled their glasses now and then. The hall was quiet and the senior citizens concentrated on their cards like students taking the SSLC exam. After one game, the partners as well as the cards were shuffled. It was past 8.30 pm and an octagenarian couple ambled out; a couple of others too also seemed to have had enough excitement for the day.
The next day sounded more interesting, going by the notice board - they could all watch and cheer the India-Sri Lanka match at the Club ball room/restauarant (I cant remember which).
p.s. Bob Woolmer's death has already cast a shadow over the World Cup festivities in the West Indies. Was he really murdered and that too by match-fixers? Sad the way the game is going.

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