Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Dahl's Solo

I just about managed to finish the book, an autobiography from Roald Dahl's wartime days. I didnt exactly enjoy the part about his war exploits but as an ardent fan, I prodded on. I more enjoyed the first part about his days in East Africa especially Dar es Salaam.
It was good to read another person's account of a place you have lived in - though Dar in 1938 was different from the one we saw in 1982-84. The tryst with snakes and lions made interesting reading. I dont remember seeing any snakes when I was there but Tanzania had that abundance of flora and fauna that the dark continent is famous for. My favorites were the green lizard and the grey lizard with the yellow head, the common lizards in Dar unlike the pale brown and the brown ones in India.
My cousin sister, who had lived most of her life in Africa, kept a collection of butterflies for her school project and they were so beautiful and varied. She also gave me interesting insights into the life and activities of ants living in her garden.
Ash's health is still cause for concern as he throws up food occasionally. He has a follow-up appointment tomorrow with the paed and the gastroenterologist.

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