Tuesday, January 09, 2007

A Florence Nightingale in the making

Well, things have become more orderly now. My role as a home nurse to V is getting less challenging - I am learning but more importantly, he is learning to do things on his own. He can get out of bed without me holding his operated leg, and walk around with the help of a walker. The physio has taught him to visit the loo without skidding.
There has been an influx of visitors and phone calls. Even the church has been very supportive. The priests visited him at hospital and home and a few parishioners, some not known to us too, called to enquire about his health.
The accident has in one way been a blessing in disguise - it is giving him the much-needed rest after all these years of work-related tension. He now has more time to read, supervise the kids' welfare and brush up his artistic skills.
Ash understands that V has hurt his leg - the first few days after he came came, he kept pulling everyone's clothes to check if they had hurt their legs too. Mira has become extremely naughty this past one week - she can move around faster on her legs now, which means she doesnt care to eat and is emulating Ash.

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