Friday, November 17, 2006

Kerala's folly

Mullaperiyar has been a persistent issue of contention between Kerala and Tamil Nadu. The waters from the dam, situated in Kerala, are fully meant for the crops in TN's rainshadow regions as per an age-old treaty formulated during the colonial days. In 1970, the Congress govt in Kerala very stupidly renewed the agreement to provide water from the dam to TN for another 1000 years! without a thought about Kerala's water needs - a state dependent on hydroelectricty and facing power shortages in summer especially.
Now with TN clamouring to increase the water level in the dam to 142 ft and Kerala insisting that it cant go beyond 136 ft on safety grounds, more fireworks are expected in the days to come. I hope Achu-mama meant what he said about wanting to look at the agreement again.

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