Saturday, November 04, 2006

From Senior to Chief

I was not planning to blog today, but this definitely needs to be mentioned - I have been promoted as a Chief Subeditor. But the nature of my work and responsibilities is pretty much the same.

My last promotion (as Sr. Sub) in Nov 2000 had coincided with my very first pregnancy and subsequent miscarriage. A case of blighted ovum, the gyn said. The D&C that followed kind of sealed our fate - we had to wait four long years for a kid.
P.S. The thanks is for my big boss and big big boss.


Anonymous said...

Hi, congrats, god bless you with the best.. and may you do well in your present chief job too..
best of luck..
i am making ada payasam now on the stove come will serve you sweets.. for this good occasion.
have a great one. god bless.
USHA and fly

dreamrunner said...

Hi Congrats!
I am proud of you!

Ladybird said...

Thank you.
You are welcome to have a piece of the milk sweets - chocolate and fruit barfis - I brought today. Two of my colleagues told me that it was long overdue...

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