Ash's initiation was done at the local Orthodox church at Chandanapally. In fact it was the first time the church organised it. Dad and mom took him to the church before the Raahukaalam (inauspicious time, which is from 7.3o am to 9.30 am on Mondays) and he apparently was the first to be inititiated by the priest. Ash was made to write Glory to God and Jesus in Malayalam. Mom said he was awed by the priest's robes and demeanour and looked as if he would cry. But he made it without fuss. (That's Ash at Connemara Library & Museum a few months ago. We missed capturing yesterday's function on film)
Quite a coincidence that Ash would be initiated here. His baptism was held at the same church. He happens to be St. George's little boon to us.
Later at home, dad got him to write in a plate of rice 'Jesus' and 'aa' (the first Malayalam alpahabet)
The Hindu Staff Reporter from Calicut writes: Temples, public places, educational institutions and newspaper groups made arrangements for the initiation ceremony. The Vidyarambam ceremony mainly involves the master (guru) inscribing the invocation to Lord Ganapathi (Hari sree ganapathaye namaha) on the tongue of the kid with a golden ring and make them write with their right index finger the invocation in a bed of raw rice.
The Vijayadasami day signifies the triumph of the good over evil and light over darkness. The Vidyarambam ceremony underlines the power of knowledge. Children in the age group 3-5 are made to participate in the ceremony.
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