Thursday, October 16, 2014

Past talk

The blog has become a thing of the past  in this age of facebook and whatsapp and whatnot. The kids are whatsapp savvy too, snatching the phone from me to chat with their dad, granny and Liza aunty (my friend they met in Dubai) - mostly as recorded audio. I often tell myself I should write about them but put it off and then forget.
A term has passed in school and they havent passed them in flying colours, so I had to meet some of the teachers on Open Day.  Ashwin was talkative and distracted at times in class while Mira was meticulous yet slow. So I am making it a point to ask them what they did in class each day. Yesterday as me and Ash walked to the hair salon to get his mane trimmed, I asked him casually if he still talked and disturbed others.
"So what do u talk to your friends in class?" I ask him.
"How can I remember something that happened some time ago?" he retorts. " Can you tell me what you talked to Liza aunty on April 1?"
I am speechless.

On April 16, we residents looked forward to another rain despite the note of caution from authorities. Seeing the rainy weather, V decided b...